1. What % of your income do you save each month?
a. 10%
b. less than 10%
c. none
2. How many times during the past 6 months have you paid a bill late?
a. 0
b. 1-5
c. 6+
3. How many credit/store cards do you have?
a. 0-3
b. 4-6
c. 7+
4. Without your main source of income, how long can you meet your financial obligations?
a. 3 months
b. 1-2 months
c. less than 1
5. How would you come up with cash quickly?
a. savings
b. credit
c. establish new credit/borrow from family
6. How often do you budget?
a. Always
b. Sometimes
c. Never
7. Most purchases are...
a. planned and saved for
b. needs based
c. spontaneous
8. When you think about finances you are...
a. completely at ease
b. moderately concerned
c. very concerned
a = 1
b = 2
c = 3
1-10 points = you are doing great
11-15 points = you are on track...need a little tweaking
16-21 points = you are in need of some help
21+ points = you need to call me ASAP!
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