In an article that is on MSN Money right now...they posted the salaries of the CEOs of some of the biggest culprits in the financial meltdown between 2005-2007. Check it out...
Countrywide Angelo Mozilo $361.7 million
Fannie Mae Daniel Mudd $11.6 million
Freddie Mac Richard Syron $12.9 million
Bear Stearns James Cayne $42.3 million
Lehman Bros Richard Fuld $186.5 million
AIG Martin Sullivan $25.4 million
Merrill Lynch Stan O’Neal $66 million
WaMu Kerry Killinger $36 million
Wachovia Kennedy Thompson $16 million
CitiGroup Charles Prince $35.6 million
MSN Money
Unbelievable that the salaries total approx. $1 billion...which is 1/700 of the current bailout!