Wednesday, October 8, 2008

CEOs Cash In

In an article that is on MSN Money right now...they posted the salaries of the CEOs of some of the biggest culprits in the financial meltdown between 2005-2007. Check it out...

Countrywide Angelo Mozilo $361.7 million
Fannie Mae Daniel Mudd $11.6 million
Freddie Mac Richard Syron $12.9 million
Bear Stearns James Cayne $42.3 million
Lehman Bros Richard Fuld $186.5 million
AIG Martin Sullivan $25.4 million
Merrill Lynch Stan O’Neal $66 million
WaMu Kerry Killinger $36 million
Wachovia Kennedy Thompson $16 million
CitiGroup Charles Prince $35.6 million

MSN Money

Unbelievable that the salaries total approx. $1 billion...which is 1/700 of the current bailout!