Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

NCAA Tournament 2009

The first day of the NCAA Basketball Tournament. A very good day. As a fan of basketball, I love to watch basketball...and there is NO better day to watch basketball than the opening Thursday and Friday of the Tourney (32 games in 2 days - no better sporting event...well, except maybe when the Trojans are playing for the NC).

I love to pick a bracket...however, I am a huge fan of the upset. They are difficult to find...for example the fact that a 12 seed has upset a 5 seed in 21 of the past 25 seasons...so it is a virtual lock...hello Western Kentucky (they are no stranger to the 12 upset of 5 - since they a 12 last year beat Drake the 5), BUT who on earth can decide which 12 seed is going to do the deed.

I picked Illinois to take care of business...before I knew their starting point guard was injured...but Western Kentucky took them out. Despite needing Illinois to win for my bracket...I was pulling for Western Kentucky because my love of the upset super cedes my bracket!

[Side note: thanks to UCLA for beating VCU - VCU was the trendy upset pick this year...by the way I think I have grown a lot over the years...in years past there was no way that I could have picked UCLA to win anything (insert any number of insulting comments)...let alone have two of my buddies be UCLA fans, or graduates or whatever they are...]

Oh, I forgot to mention how absurd it is that Barack Obama has the time to show us "Barack"etology! I think he has a lot of other issues that need his attention. Issues that are a lot more important than the NCAA tournament. I don't know, like, companies taking tax payers money and paying out $100s of millions of dollars in bonuses or, unemployment rates that are soaring through the roof or, the slumping dollar or, the crumbling world economies (I guess I could have said economy), etc...

Good luck Trojans...is it possible that 3 out of 4 10 seeds could win in the same season?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Champions again...

So, the noise about USC being a football school has to be quiet at least for today. The Trojans knocked off UCLA (the conferences "best" team) yesterday and then came from behind to bounce Pac-10 player of the year, James Harden, and Arizona State today.

I know one game (tournament) doesn't make a season or a program. But, I do get to enjoy this one...don't I????

Good luck guys in the NCAA Tourney. Fight On!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Jukebox VI

It has been a while...I know that...and I realize that a couple of these songs are duplicates. The reason for repeating some of the songs is that they resonate with me. I am hung up on the James Taylor song and I have been getting back to my country roots.

1. Fire and Rain ~ James Taylor

I've seen fire and I've seen rain, I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end, I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend, But I always thought that I'd see you again

I love the chorus...these lyrics speak to me!

2. She's Country ~ Jason Aldean

I am a big fan. This particular song is fun and I dig it.

3. Drift Away ~ Dobie Gray

Give me the beat, boys, and free my soul...I want to get lost in your rock n roll and drift away!

4. It Won't Be Like This For Long ~ Darius Rucker

I think I have written here in the past that I like Hootie and the Blowfish...in case you didn't know, Darius was the lead singer for Hootie. Anyway, I digress...I really like him as a solo artist and I really like his voice. Two songs...it might be time to pop for the CD.

5. Clothes Off ~ Gym Class Heroes

I have no idea what type of music this is...maybe rap, maybe punk...definitely a little bubblegum. Anyway...I like the song...it is catchy...and it has one hilarious line...

"Oh I'm sorry, my name is Travee and I'm pretty much a big deal, Oh, you've never heard of me, That sounds absurd to me"

6. Chicken Fried ~ Zac Brown Band

I know...there has to be one song that my daughter loves...and this one is it. Every time it comes on the radio she calls it "Chicken Fry"...she tries to find it on my phone...and I get to talk with her about her alphabet and spelling...see using an iPhone can be educational!

7. Piece of Me ~ Britney Spears

Ok, so I should have said that this was the song that Mac liked. Anyway...this song is a shout out to Cean - he was our wedding photographer and is a good friend of ours.

8. I Remember ~ Kenny Chesney

No jukebox post would be complete without a KC song. He is amazing...I can't wait until summer. We have not decided which concert to see (he is at Stagecoach in Indio - unfortunately the same weekend as the Festival of Books - the only day that I allow myself on the campus of UCLA, or in Vegas, or in San Francisco), either way...he puts on a great show...and this is a GREAT song!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

In a few simple words...

I love quoting movies. Andy, (one of my boys that I play basketball with on Monday nights) is always ready to finish a quote or blurt out the movie from one of the lines I say – I know I shouldn’t be running around playing basketball saying movie lines, but I do.

Me: “Finish him”

Andy: The Karate Kid

Me: “Whoa, nice shootin' Tex

Andy: Ghostbusters

Me: “We will be perfect in every sense of the word, you drop a pass you will run a mile, miss a block and you will run a mile, fumble the ball, and I will break my foot off in your John Brown hind parts…and then you will run a mile. Perfection. Let’s go to work!”

Vinoj: Remember the Titans

(Andy and I are not exclusive in our movie quoting game. If someone - by someone I mean me - throws out a Titans quote…Vinoj is all over it.)

But, it is not just movies…it is also TV. My buddy that I run with, well, we just lob Seinfeld (crazy that the proper name “Seinfeld” doesn’t need to be spell checked but my name Trainor does – who says TV isn’t influential) quotes back and forth to each other. Three miles of…

Me: “she is my first Asian”

Eric: “isn’t that a little racist”

Me: “if I like the race, how is that racist”

I love quotes in general. One of the first things that Hanssie got me years ago (when she thought I might be a writer – back when we thought I had something to say, which as it turns out, I don’t) was a great big book of quotes. If I wasn’t lazy, I would walk downstairs and tell you the exact title of the book…but I am!

Anyway…I love movies, I love quotes…I love words…I love listening to what others have to say. I love Jim Rome because he is funny and he uses so much of pop culture in his show, you kind of lose sight of the fact that he started out in San Diego hosting a sports show (I think he has a show on ESPN). He repeatedly plays the same clip of Allen Iverson saying, “practice, we talkin' ‘bout practice…practice, not a game…we talkin’ ‘bout practice (of course Iverson was complaining about Larry Brown fining him for missing practice a few years ago – side note, that was not a few years ago…that was like 8 years ago when the Lakers played the Sixers in the NBA Finals).

Who could forget Patrick Ewing’s immortal words, “We might make a lot of money, but we spend a lot of money.”? Pat was trying to explain to us common folk about why the rich pampered superstar athletes of the NBA had to hold out during labor negotiations in 1999. He might have missed the mark.

Since, it is apparently common knowledge that I love quotes my friend Ryan sent me these “famous last words.” So, I pass them along to you…I hope you enjoy them as much as I did…

"We had $17 billion of cash, that liquidity cushion has been virtually unchanged." ~ Alan Schwartz (Bear Stearns CEO) commenting on CNBC. Two days later the company had to ask for emergency funds from the Federal Reserve Bank and JPMorgan Chase.

"I expect there will be some failures of "smaller banks". Among the larger banks, the capital ratios remain good and I don't anticipate any serious problems of that sort among the large, internationally active banks that make up a very substantial part of our banking system." ~ Ben Bernanke (Federal Reserve Chairman) in February 2008.

*IndyMac failed in June '08 ($32 billion in assets)
*WaMu failed in September '08 ($307 billion in assets)
*Wachovia sold to Wells Fargo in October
*Citi, Countrywide, B of A, Wells Fargo, et al received BILLIONS in TARP funds in 2009

"If you put it in a baseball analogy, and you look at the subprime problem in the U.S., you would say we're in the eighth inning or maybe the top of the ninth." ~ John Mack (Morgan Stanley CEO)
"We're probably in the third or fourth quarter." ~ Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs CEO)

Both were addressing the subprime crisis and whether it was coming to an end. Unfortunately, the US Government agreed to pledge $700 billion to buy "toxic" debt. Seems like we might be in the second or third inning...or the 1st quarter!

"Fannie and Freddie are very solid institutions. They have more-than-adequate capital. They have access to capital markets." ~ Chris Dodd (Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee) in July of '08.

In September, the US Government seized control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, concerned about their mounting losses.

(The book Hanssie bought me was "Bartlett's Familiar Quotations" - sad that when you start typing, you are upstairs and when you get done...it has been so long, you are downstairs.)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Complete Riverside Repos Lists

$0-100,000 (123)
$100,000-200,000 (262)
$200,000-300,000 (95)
$300,000-400,000 (31)
$400,000-500,000 (11)
$500,000+ (9)

Complete Corona Repo Lists

$0-100,000 (18)
$100,000-200,000 (59)
$200,000-300,000 (55)
$300,000-400,000 (50)
$400,000-500,000 (17)
$500,000+ (6)

I have decided to categorize the properties by price this time. I have also put the total number of REOs in that category in parenthesis. However, not all listing agents input their homes into the REO category. Therefore, a few bank owned homes may have fallen through the cracks. My data shows me that there are 205 bank owned homes in Corona. There are 1,352 homes on the market in Corona.

Riverside, Mira Loma, and Norco to follow.